
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
'Twas Nochebuena
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
In the spirit of the holidays I would like to share some Christmas cheer and share a few holiday stories. If you are enjoying these stories please subscribe on your favorite podcast player. I will be sharing three Christmas tales the last being the spookiest.
Today our author shares with us how her latino family celebrates Christmas using the rhythms of a famous Christmas rhyme. So gather round my friends grab you hot coco or beverage of choice and let’s enter into Roseanne Greenfield Thong world of words this is ‘Twas Nochebuena a Christmas Story in English and Spanish.
Thank you so much for listening. If you wanna get your hand on a copy of this wonderful book it is ‘Twas Nochebuena by Roseanne Greenfield Thong.
Come back tomorrow to hear the classic poem 'Twas The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clark Moore.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
PopIn Edition: Thanksgiving
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
As we enter into this Thanksgiving Day my hope is that we remember the native peoples of this country and the turmoil they face to this day. May we see what they see and hear what they hear. Before I go any further “I want to respectfully acknowledge the Kizh and Tongva People, who have stewarded this land that I currently live on throughout the generations.” Todays I want to share Chief Jake Swamp words with you, this is Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message.
For more information about the stewards of the land you live on you can head to https://usdac.us/ The United States Department of Arts and Culture. They have #HonorNativeLand Guide to help you better understand the plight of Indigenous People around the globe.
Thank you so much for listening. How About A Story will be taking a break for the holidays but will return with new stories next season in March. If you have a moment please subscribe and review this podcast where you listen. It truly helps to bring this little podcast to the masses.
Lost In The Forest - Doug Maxwell_Media Right Productions
The End - Quincas Moreira
Whispering Stream - E's Jammy Jams
The Three Elements - I Think I Can Help You
Ditch Diggin' - Jingle Punks

Friday Nov 06, 2020
The Scary Story of The Mass For The Dead
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
This week we listen to The Mass For The Dead by the mother of goth Edith Nesbit. Where strange musical interludes bring warnings of things to come.
Don't forget to drop our Instagram page and tell us what stories you would like to hear for next season.
Stay safe out there :)
AnalogueCabin - Noir Et Blanc Vie
Anitmatter - The Westerlies
Falling Rain - Myuu
O Come All Ye Faithful (Vocals) - Jingle Punks
Phantom - Density & Time
Sprightly Pursuit - Cooper Cannell
Til Death Parts Us - Aakash Gandhi

Friday Oct 30, 2020
The Scary Story of the Forest of Bloodshed
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Happy Halloween ghouls and goblins. This weeks tale is an original piece all the way from Romania. This is The Forest of Bloodshed by: Andrei Zamfir. Always “Remember there are spirits here. There are ways of the world that we don’t understand. There’s a balance to everything in existence, and this land has been looking to regain its spiritual equilibrium for centuries. Enter into this scary story if you dare…..
Beginnings (Intro) - The Tower of Light
Hero's Ascent - Chris Haugen
Tension Nonstop - Myuu

Friday Oct 23, 2020
The Scary Story of The Three Little Pigs
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
This weeks story was inspired surprisingly by a new show on HBO MAX called Raised by Wolves. No spoilers here but Amanda Collins does a trilling performance of the Three Little Pigs that inspired me to produce this scary version of the tale. Enter at will to this weeks spooky rendition of the classic fairy tale by James Halliwell-Phillipps.
A Hand In The Dark - Underbelly & Ty Mayer.
Dark Tranquility - Anno Domini Beats
Go to Sleep My Little One - Doug Maxwell_Media Right Productions
Hop Hip - Kwon
Invisible Enemy - Jeremy Black
Orison - Dan Bodan
Surrender - Asher Fulero

Friday Oct 16, 2020
The Scary Story of The Legend of Sleepy Hallow
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
This we week we have a classic that was recommended by a fellow spooky enthusiast on Instagram. This is the scary tale of The Legend of Sleepy Hallow. If you ever wondered what story the headless horseman comes from then listen to this tale.
Thank you so much for listening. When you get a moment please stop by our Instagram page and say “Boo!” It’s Halloween :)
Until Next time my friends, what stories will you be getting into?

Friday Oct 09, 2020
The Spooky Tale of the Ebony Frame
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
This weeks story is a mind bender. We encounter Mr. Divgne who inherits his aunts fortune and among her things he finds a picture of a mysterious woman whom he falls deeply in love with. Enter into this chilling tale of ghostly love.
A Great Darkness Approaches, Can You Feel It_ - ELPHNT
A Mystical Experience - Unicorn Heads
Dream Escape - The Tides
False Morel - Trevor Garrod
Lurking Shadows - Myuu
Mysterious Place - DarkEerie Music (Creative Commons)
No.5 The Day I Met Her - Esther Abrami
Purple Planet Music - Creeping Death
The Devil's Piano - Audio Hertz

Friday Oct 02, 2020
The Scary Tale of La Llorona
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
This is the first story in our Season of Fear celebration of Halloween. Each Friday for the month you will be transported to an old tale with a new twist. An audio adventure of haunting and fright. If you scare easily beware.
An Excuse To Do Less - pAtches
Shadows - Anno Domini Beats
Cowboy Lullaby JHS Pedals
The Awakening _ Patrick Patrikios

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Season of Fear
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Welcome to the Halloween Season of Fear edition. We will be sharing 10 scary stories starting October 2nd.
If you have a scary story that needs to be shared we are taking suggestions at our Instagram page. Please dm me your suggestion if it is in the public domain arena and under 10 pages I’ll perform here. Or if you want to try your hand at writing one I would love the opportunity to bring your creation to life.
Assembling - Asher Fulero

Monday Sep 14, 2020
PopIn Edition
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Hello friends and welcome to How About A Story the PopIN Edition I'm Yzaura. So I am a big fan of spooky things. I love vampires, wolves and sexy creatures of the night. Fall is coming. So hint, hint on what to expect in the fall. Ok I have a question for you do you have a scary story that just needs to be shared? If so head over to our Instagram page and send us a DM with said story and then I will perform it here during the season of fear. Wouldn't that be fun? I think it will be fun. So I'm super excited and now that you are all juiced and pumped for something spooky and scary. Listen to this oldie but goodie.
Ditch Diggin' by Jungle Punks